Is Change Derailing You?
Need Help Getting Unstuck?
Looking for Insights or Guidance?

Learn the Secrets of Leading a
Thriving Lifestyle

Whether it's your career, retirement, business or life's challenges,
register now for this one-of-a-kind, life-changing experience and
unlock your dreams, make bold choices, and
use the power of you to confidently move forward.

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Your Dreams
Are Calling.

What are you waiting for?

Meet Your Advisory Team of Coaches

Be Inspired, Interact, Network, Learn and Thrive

Barbra Schulte
Certified High-Performance Coach

"Thriving is when you have an incredible sense of joy and exuberance because of the clarity about who you are and what you intend to do."

Ann Frees
Executive Leadership Coach

"Thriving means that you are operating on all your cylinders, you are in flow with yourself, with others and in your life as it emerges."

Yvonne Wilcox
Creative Strategist Coach

"Thriving to me means you are living “Life + +” – not just surviving, but noticeably present and continually inviting joyful experiences into your life at home, at work, in your relationships, and in your body." 

Dr. Stephanie Burns
Achievement Coach

"Thriving means you have an inbred sense of confidence or resilience that you are going to know how to handle the kinds of things that will inevitably confront you when you are looking at long term goal pursuits."

Nancy Grimmick,
Wellness Coach

"Thriving is when our lives are balanced between mind body and spirit, and we have meaningful goals and purpose in life."

Jeanne Churchwell
Emcee and Entrepreneur Coach

"Thriving for me means that you are connected to what matters most for you. That you experience your own success in making progress towards or achieving what matters most in the ordinary moments of everyday life."

An Exciting, Carefully Curated, Personal & Professional Development Experience

3 Days: Just for You

Indulge yourself with personal time to focus on your path forward

No Responsibilities

For 3 days, leave the world behind while you prepare and plan for the year ahead

Capture Your Dreams

Take this time to remember your dreams and acquire the tools you need to realize them

Step Out of Your Routine

Immerse yourself in self-development with no outside distractions

Acquire New Tools

Learn revolutionary concepts empowering you to be who you've always dreamed of being

Create Your Future

Leave energized with a tangible plan to take steps toward the new you in the new year!

Early Bird Tickets Available Now

REGISTER before July 1, 2024 and Save!
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